Free workouts and workout plans

 Free workout programs from ChatGPT4 with a focus on my interests of calisthenics, HIIT, rock climbing, and running.

Greetings peaceful people. This blog post is about my workout goals, it includes a link to my Notion page where I document workouts that I do that are given by the PhD workout coach on chatGPT4

The Notion Link:

Working out makes a healthy body and a healthy body is one part of being overall healthy. 
My workout priorities are currently:

1. Perform an unassisted handstand for 30 seconds

2. Run 5 miles without knee pain the following 2 days

3. Increase general rock climbing skills. I want to be able to consistently climb v4's and 5.11+

4. Perform a muscle-up

5. Other calisthenics skills (planche, single arm-pushup, single-arm pullup)

You can follow me on Strava here:


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